The Union Home Prayer Book (1951) is an anthology of prayers for family and personal use following in the tradition of the Seder Teḥinot and many earlier anthologies of private (non-communal) prayer practice.

This work is in the Public Domain due to the lack of a copyright renewal by the copyright holder listed in the copyright notice (a condition required for works published in the United States between January 1st 1924 and January 1st 1964).
1. Dedication of a Home
2. Grace Before and After Meals
3. Kiddush: Sabbath, Passover, Shabuoth, Succoth and Rosh Hashonah
4. Hanukkah
5. Thanksgiving Day
6. Birthdays
7. Wedding Anniversaries
8. In House of Mourning
9. Dedication of Tombstone
11. Before Starting on a Journey
12. Release from Danger
13. Beginning a new Enterprise
14. Prayer for a Bridegroom
15. Prayer for a Bride
16. Before Marriage of a Son
17. Before Marriage of a Daughter
18. Prayer on Behalf of One in Childbirth
19. Prayer on Birth of a Son
20. Prayer on Birth of a Daughter
21. Circumcision
22. On Naming a Child
23. On Entering a Child in Religious School
25. Night Prayers for Children
26. Two Other Children’s Prayers
27. Morning Prayer for Adults
28. Night Prayer for Adults
29. Morning Prayer for ChildrenPRAYERS IN TIME OF SICKNESS AND DEATH
30. Prayer in Time of Trouble
31. Prayers in Time of Sickness
32. Prayer on Recovery
33. Prayers in Behalf of the Sick
34. On Visiting a Cemetery
35. At the Graves of Various Relatives
1. Morning Prayer
2. The Changing World
3. The Soul of the World
4. Wholeness of Character
5. The Just Life
6. Ignorance and Evil
7. Conciliation
8. Out of the Depths
9. God our Refuge
10. God is Near
11. God’s Love
12. God’s Bounty
13. Rejoice in the Lord
14. Reliance
15. Envy
16. Human Brotherhood
17. Compensation
18. Prayer for Others
19. Righteousness
20. Hospitality
21. Our Enemies
22. God our Sustainer
23. Suffering
24. Courageous Faith
25. Reverence
26. Holy Places
27. The Presence of God
28. Vision and Hope
29. Accepting the Burden
30. God our Eternal Home
31. Humility
32. Alike Before God
33. Cooperation
34. Man’s Place in Nature
35. Rededication
36. Repentance
37. God’s Guidance
38. Night Prayer

“📖 Union Home Prayer Book (CCAR 1951)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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